Other Section 8 Programs

Section 8 funding comes from the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). In addition to the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA), other government agencies also administer some Section 8 vouchers with HUD funding in New York City.

Updates since the COVID-19 epidemic started

Section 8 Vouchers through HPD

Information listed below is from HPD’s website. For the most up-to-date information from HPD click here.

  • All tenant conferences and briefings scheduled will be postponed and rescheduled at a later date.
  • Participants experiencing a rent hardship due to a decrease in income may contact HPD via DTRAI@hpd.nyc.gov or by fax at 212-863-5299.
  • HPD will automatically provide additional time for anyone with an active voucher. Clients do not need to reach out to HPD for an extension.
  • HPD will temporarily suspend non-emergency HQS inspections. If you have a life-threatening condition, please call 311.
  • All hearings for appeal are cancelled until further notice. HPD will continue to pay subsidy until a final determination is made.

Tenant Based Section 8

  • NYC Department of Housing and Preservation Development (HPD): This city agency has a small number of vouchers that are provided to HPD shelter residents and specific Department of Homeless Services (DHS) and Human Resources Administration (HRA) referrals for shelter residents.
    • Families and individuals in need may not apply to HPD directly for Section 8 assistance, a City referral is required. DHS and HRA identify eligibile shelter residents and housing specialists assist them in applying.
  • NYS Homes and Community Renewal (HCR): This state agency oversees a small number of vouchers in New York City.

Tenants holding vouchers from either HPD or HCR that need to move due to domestic violence should contact those agencies directly for transfer assistance. Neither agency has a formal transfer program in place like NYCHA does but will evaluate tenants’ needs on a case by case basis. Both HPD and HCR must follow the rules under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) that protect domestic violence victims from being evicted solely due to their abuse and also allow victims to bifurcate their leases if needed to protect their safety. More information on VAWA is available here.

Project Based Section 8

In addition to Section 8 vouchers which are provided directly to tenants, project-based Section 8 is another type of Section 8 that HPD, HCR, and the federal government have supported. These vouchers are given to developers when they develop affordable housing and are attached to specific housing units rather than to individual households. Project-based Section 8 is not portable and cannot be transferred to another unit if the tenant needs to move for any reason, including domestic violence.